• Infographics - Created from a brief to help raise awareness of Net Zero Cities as a concept and in turn sell Net Zero services. It was used on LinkedIn and as a download on Sweco's website. www.sweco.co.uk/transform/net-zero/

    Created from a brief to help raise awareness of Net Zero Cities as a concept and in turn sell Net Zero services. It was used on LinkedIn and as a download on Sweco's website. www.sweco.co.uk/transform/net-zero/

  • Infographics - Rigorous new requirements under the Building Safety Act 2022 came into force on 1 October 2023 - the biggest changes to building safety legislation in nearly 40 years. In readiness for this, a downloadable infographic was produced to visually clarify the priority areas for clients to consider, which features on their website. www.sweco.co.uk/services/building-standards/bsa-building-safety-act-2022-summary/

    Rigorous new requirements under the Building Safety Act 2022 came into force on 1 October 2023 - the biggest changes to building safety legislation in nearly 40 years. In readiness for this, a downloadable infographic was produced to visually clarify the priority areas for clients to consider, which features on their website. www.sweco.co.uk/services/building-standards/bsa-building-safety-act-2022-summary/

  • Infographics - Initially a flow chart by Sweco's Head of Technical Standards and turned into a PDF 'cheat sheet' for download on Sweco's Building Standards webpage. 2 weeks after posting it on his LinkedIn page it had received 163 positive reactions and 39 reposts. www.sweco.co.uk/services/building-standards/bsa-building-safety-act-2022-summary/

    Initially a flow chart by Sweco's Head of Technical Standards and turned into a PDF 'cheat sheet' for download on Sweco's Building Standards webpage. 2 weeks after posting it on his LinkedIn page it had received 163 positive reactions and 39 reposts. www.sweco.co.uk/services/building-standards/bsa-building-safety-act-2022-summary/

  • Infographics - Adapted from a simple sketch into a graphic for LinkedIn, exploring 9 nature-based solutions that could transform the Water sector.

    Adapted from a simple sketch into a graphic for LinkedIn, exploring 9 nature-based solutions that could transform the Water sector.

  • Infographics - Featured as part of a blog on Sweco's website exploring Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) and how it can be achieved. www.sweco.co.uk/blog/what-is-biodiversity-net-gain/

    Featured as part of a blog on Sweco's website exploring Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) and how it can be achieved. www.sweco.co.uk/blog/what-is-biodiversity-net-gain/

  • Infographics - Sweco UK & Ireland Services (extract)

    Sweco UK & Ireland Services (extract)

  • Infographics - Circular City Checklist

    Circular City Checklist


Taking information and presenting it in a visual way that's easy to digest. From an initial concept to a polished branded graphic, ready to form part of a web page, blog article, LinkedIn post of PDF download.